Spies in our midst.

A tale of espionage and limited hangouts and some thoughts on the divine nature of our lives.

The undercover spies who take the King’s Shilling.

This ruminative piece is a preamble to my latest RogueCast in which I speak in some more detail of the matters mentioned herein.

When the individual perceives that the world is an informed field of magical and malleable fiction, he can never go back to his position of not-knowing.

After all,

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.

Do you ever feel as though you don’t belong here? That the ‘world’ is an asylum of insane inversion and that a dark demiurge has extended its tentacles around mankind’s consciousness?

Do you ever have the sense that you are moving through a movie set, populated by Non-playing characters (NPC),  that the ‘people’ you pass may be soulless entities, lost in a collective quicksand of dense mind-control?

Could it be that you are in a divinely-created simulacrum which is a stage for your soul to act out its co-created dramas from which your immortal personality grows and matures?

in support of which, I offer this from the Kolbrin Bible (4:16 )

The Earth is not for the pleasure of man, but is a place of instruction for his Soul. A man more readily feels the stirrings of his Spirit in the face of disaster than in the lap of luxury. The tuition of the Soul is a long and arduous course of instruction and training.”

In what sense is the world a fiction?

First and foremost, it is a mental construct. All ideas flow from the akashic or informed field into the receiver – the immortal being passing through the staged construct in his avatar/bio meat suit which provides him with every opportunity for learning and the growth of his immortal soul. Ideas, when acted upon, become realities, they are literally thought into existence and come into being by way of the individual taking the necessarily physical steps to bring the reality into being. In this sense, everything begins as a fiction.

Great truths of our individual journeys through this construct are contained in the fictions of our lives. Works of literary fiction present us with meaningful allegories and metaphors that provide insight into each pilgrim’s journey through the theatres of his life.

The Courts of these lands are founded on fictions – the legal fiction, the false pretence that individuals acting as judges have genuine authority over us, that moneys are truly owed, when in fact, on credit has been extended and misrepresented to us as a loan. We are deceived into believing in a fictional jurisdiction wherein an imaginary Royalty under a Crown lays a fictional claim to the lands we stand upon.

The controllers have always known we are in theatrical reality that relies upon MK Ultra Mind Control to persuade the uncritical individual that the promoted narratives are accepted by the many and thus taken to be true.

These controllers rely on the darkness and flickering lights of Plato’s cave to indoctrinate the unwary, the sleepers and, of course, they go to immense lengths to keep the illusion spinning and convince the sleeper that there is no escape from this dungeon.

Those who take the King’s Shilling or Rothschild’s shekels and act as agent provocateurs

“may be police officers or secret agents of police who encourage suspects to carry out a crime under conditions where evidence can be obtained; or who suggest the commission of a crime to another, in hopes they will go along with the suggestion and be convicted of the crime.

A political organisation or government may use agents provocateurs against political opponents. The provocateurs try to incite the opponent to do counterproductive or ineffective acts to foster public disdain or provide a pretext for aggression against the opponent.

Historically, labor spies, hired to infiltrate, monitor, disrupt, or subvert union activities, have used agent provocateur tactics.

Agent provocateur activities raise ethical and legal issues. In common law jurisdictions, the legal concept of entrapment may apply if the main impetus for the crime was the provocateur.” Source: Wikipedia

Like a play, where dramas unfold before and behind the folds of the stage curtains, the life of the individual may be seen as a tale told by fools, signifying nothing, or, it may be taken for what it is – a magical series of trials, tribultations and drama. It is a game of peeka-boo. Now you see me, now you don’t. Exist stage left, re-enter stage right.

But who is writing the script and directing the actors – not only in movement but in thought and emotion? That is the key question here: when the individual frees himself from all the media programming, the state propaganda, the lies of the organised religions  and the fraud of the financial system he wil, inevitably, reach the conclusion that he is but an actor in a divine simulacrum, then he will be free to be his own man, the rogue male, the knight-errant who is a marvellous autodidactic actor in a world of his making, a sojourner, co-creating, with the one true god of this realm, an epic tale, a veritable hero’s journey.

Thank you for reading. In my soon-to-be-released and latest RogueCast, I go into some more detail on this subject, documenting a number of encounters I have had with the spies in our midst, whose modus operandi has become apparent only with hindsight.

My gratitude goes out to those who have made a donation in support of the work at this site, especially David R and Dave Sharman. Please consider making a donation via the Buy Me a Coffee button should you be inclined to and leave me a comment.


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