It is claimed that the Nineteenth Century witnessed a massive rise in the number of orphaned children across Britain and other parts of the world.
Whilst it is difficult to ascertain the facts of the matter and the cause, it was documented in the writings of Charles Dickens and others as well as the opening of large numbers of orphanages across the United Kingdom.
The official narrative of the Barnado’s organisation glosses over the reasons behind the rise in orphans and states that
When a cholera epidemic swept through the East End, leaving 3000 people dead and many orphaned children, the young Barnardo felt an urgent need to help. source
Thousands of these children were trafficked out to the far flung parts of the ‘Empire’ – Canada, Australia and New Zealand, seemingly as a forced repopulating of the colonies by the ‘Gov’ which inevitably profited from the enforced repatriation of the orphans. Again, Barnado’s glosses over the horror of this trafficking which continued at least until the 1960s: note how it falsely claims it was a “popular policy”. Popular with the State, a policy which benefited the associated agencies (like Barnado’s, along with employers and institutions in the ‘colonies’) –
Child migrants
Barnardo’s was one of many children’s charities that sent some children to start a new life in Australia or Canada from the late nineteenth century to the 1960s. This was a popular policy, supported by the British government, who believed that the children would benefit from opportunities they wouldn’t have in the UK. We now know that however well-intentioned, it was a deeply misguided policy. The last Barnardo’s child to be migrated was in 1967, to Australia. In 2010 the British government formally apologised for the UK’s role in sending more than 130,000 child migrants to former colonies. Source
Why does it behove us to look into this matter?
If one does not learn from the lessons of history, then one is doomed to repeat them. The epoch also witnessed the introduction of mass vaccinations –
According to “The History of Medical Science”
Edward Jenner performed the first vaccination. In the eighteenth century an English country doctor named Edward Jenner began to study the link between smallpox and the milder disease, cowpox. By injecting one boy with the cowpox he found that the boy became immune to smallpox. Edward Jenner published his findings in 1798 and within three years 100,000 people in Britain had been vaccinated. source
As Eustace Mullins writes in Murder by Injection, a pdf of which can be downloaded at the foot of this page:
After the use of cowpox vaccine became widespread in England, a smallpox epidemic broke out which killed 22,081 people. The smallpox epidemics became worse each year that the vaccine was used. In 1872, 44,480 people were killed by it.
Lost in the narrative.

On Friday 14th May, 2021, I was out with two old friends for a ramble in and around the beautiful Lathkill Dale, in Derbyshire.
One of them is a ‘licensing’ solicitor (cough, cough); the other runs a computer systems company.
I have known each of them for 30 years. During that time, they have never struck me as lacking in common sense.
However, we were around half an hour into the route when one of them mentioned he’d had the jab and other replied he’d had 2 Pfizer jabs ( incredibly, at a local DIY centre).
I asked them why they had had it, had they been informed of the ingredients and whether they realised that they were guinea pigs in a genetic modification trial. The response was no. I suggested the entire operation was a macabre intelligence test which they had manifestly failed. The response was silence.
Whilst I would not suggest they are both motivated by money, it is true that they are materially better off than most, albeit in terms of the illusory ‘wealth’ that is measured in Pounds Sterling and that they are servicing fraudulent and expensive mortgage charges over their family homes. But what does any of that amount to if you have unwittingly fallen for a state-sponsored attack on your health which, according to some notable scientists, will result in a premature death?
They both have offspring and their wives have also been jabbed with the vile vials. Neither had read anything I had posted at RM about the dangers of taking part in the vaxx trials.
Given their actions will be the same as the others who have unquestioningly fallen for the false Covaids narrative and the fraudulent promotion of the Snake Oil as a ‘remedy’, one of the questions that arises is this: is it possible we are about to see an exponential rise in the numbers of orphaned children? If so, what will be the consequences of this?
I don’t know the answer and there is a part of me which does not want this to be true. However, just because I cannot predict the future with any degree of certainty, that does not mean to say the prospect of a large parental uptake of the experimental genetic modification treatment will not result in masses of orphans being created. The consequences of this are immeasurable.
Murder By Injection by Eustace Mullins
Much love and appreciation to David R for his support of the work at this site.
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In an effort to broaden the scope of the question posed in the title of your excellent piece, I would suggest researching ‘Tartaria’, the world-wide Empire that is not talked about since it appears to have been deliberately erased from our history. A number of YouTubers delve into this topic by studying photographic records still available, including architecture showing evidence of wi-fi energy transmitter towers (now churches), and the phenomenon of ‘mudfloods’ that caused rapid extinction events (resets) around the world.
Keep up the great work!
P.S. The world-wide take-down of the Deep State (The Event) is due to start any day now since the roll-out of the QFS is almost complete!
Hi, angolbeteg
thank you for the comment – it was the evidence of the soil liquefaction (mudfloods), along with the revelations of the uncovering of the grand architecture, the rise and demise of the expositions and world fairs, the transportation of children to the empty towns and cities and the blatant evidence of a world-wide empire that drew my attention to the question of the orphans of the nineteenth century in the first place.
i was just watchng a 5hour long video yesterday which talked about the orphans and blamed the mudfloods, but my problem with that would be the children would be 1st to perish in a mudflood scenario. I also wrote an article on the many ‘plagues’ over time and linked almost every one to vaccines or innoculations.
Great work with this article.
I viewed the same video, northerntracey: it was partly the reason for me re-writing the piece which had previously focused only on my friends’ compliance with the criminal regime. I agree re your point and that was what compelled me to mention the rise of the vaxxers via Jenner. it appears there was a rise in child-trafficking of the orphans but the reason for them being without parents is difficult to pin down in terms of what caused it.
What you write about the vaxx programme of the 1800s may offer us a clue:
“Smallpox took off big time once the vaccines started rolling out and rates sky-rocketed. More people died after vaccines than did before them.
– In 1871-2, England, with 98% of the population aged between 2 and 50 vaccinated against smallpox, experienced its worst ever smallpox outbreak with 45,000 deaths. During the same period in Germany, with a vaccination rate of 96%, there were over 125,000 deaths from smallpox.
The Leicester Experiment proved it was the vaccines causing deaths after they quarantined themselves (yes the whole city) and refused the mandatory vaccine. They had the lowest smallpox case and death rate in the whole of England. A similar experiment was done in America with same results.”
Could history be repeating itself?
Yours is a brilliant article, Tracey. I wonder if the prevalence of TB was a factor? What did you make of the video’s display of the photographs that showed the empty streets of various European and north American cities?
I wasn’t completely persuaded by the empty streets pics myself, there could be other reasons for it and one of them I did see a person where the narrator said there were none. Overall I loved the film tho. Thanx for the compliment on my article. Am chuffed coming from you
It has been repeated many times I’m afraid yes
Andrew Willis asked in the comments why something wasn’t frontpage news in every paper…
“There is no such thing, at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it, and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did you know it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the street looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my newspaper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalist is to destroy truth; to lie outright; to pervert; to vilify; to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his nation for his daily bread. You know it, and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks; they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.” John Swinton; 1953 New York Press Club dinner… (multiple contributors, A U.S. POLICE ACTION: OPERATION VAMPIRE KILLER – The American Citizens and Launen Association pp 18, 19. {THE ENEMY UNMASKED; Bill Hughes – Truth Triumphant Ministries pp. 80, 81. [ ] })
and why would anyone think the situation with the press was any different across the pond?
THE ENEMY UNMASKED by Bill Hughes, available for a mere $6.oo @
Great post, DJ. Integrity and investigatory prowess are just 2 qualities the whoring presstitutes don’t possess and it has only got worse since John Swinton’s time.