Lambs to the Slaughter at the hands of Big Pharma.
When Matt Hancock and Bill Gates smile at inopportune moments, this is what psychologists call, ‘Duper’s Delight’ – it is the pleasure that a liar receives and communicates when he thinks of the effects his crime will have. It is psychopathic in its origin and is a great reveal of the malevolence within the individuall, for those with the eyes to see it. Hancock and Gates are but two of the slavering wolves who prey on the wilfull ignorance of their victims.
Covid1984 was the smokescreen prelude to the apocalypse that is unfolding around us, that begins in the care homes for the elderly, moves onto the over 80s, to the over 70s and finally the rest. This is how genocide goes, and it is exactly how it happened in 1930s Germany.
A key difference is the fact that ignorance now is not an option: there is simply no excuse for any one not carrying out the research into what is going on in the world today and for the last 11 months. None whatsoever, for the facts are literally a few keystrokes away.
Jeremiah 11:19:
But I was like a gentle lamb led to the slaughter; And I did not know that they had devised plots against me, {saying,} “Let us destroy the tree with its fruit, And let us cut him off from the land of the living, That his name be remembered no more.”
and Isaiah 53:7:
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.
The Silence of the Lambs
Two weeks ago, I met a neighbour outside the house. She is evidently in her late 60s. She was wearing some kind of muzzle. I asked her how she was and she said that she was on her way to the vaccine centre which is located on the carpark of the local recreation ground in Nottingham.
I told her that she should not have it as it would make her unwell, it being an antigen that will attack her dna. She looked a bit flustered and responded thus, “I can’t stop now, I’ll be late for my appointment.”
Just this morning I saw her walking by. She is usually what one might term sprightly. Today, however, she was walking very slowly, with her left arm seemingly rigid and hanging by her side.

The vaccine centre can be seen in the accompanying photographs. It opened up some 3 weeks ago. When I first saw it, my immediate thought was that it was like cattle market or abattoir, with the docile people, mostly white and mostly in their 70s or over, dutifully queuing up at the recommended six feet apart, being led through a canvas gazebo type tunnel by masked officials and up the stairs into the portacabin where the vile vial was to be injected into their bodies. It is also like the pens that are used when it comes to sheep-dipping.
2 days ago, when the photos were taken, there were fewer people going in – only 2 people can be seen in the photograph below, but it was after 4pm so who knows how many had gone through earlier.

This time there was a police maria van parked up and a masked up copper (left) in a yellow day-glo coat instructing people where to go, “We’re only doing the over 70s right now,” he told to one enquirer who had pulled up in her car.
As he said this, I was reminded of the Nuremberg Trials and the false defence of those involved in the various eugenicist/genocide programmes of Hitler’s National Socialist government. The fact is that the copper and each of those unthinking and uncaring individuals who administer the deadly snake oil are, like the defendants in said trials, who were found to be entirely culpable for their complicity in the unfolding crimes of the National Socialist regime. It is not, therefore, outrageous in any way to posit that there is a genocide that is taking place around us right now. Watch this video for further explanation of the genocide and ensuing consequences for the fuckwits who take the jab.
The Doublethink has reached extraordinary heights.
The Cult of Covid followers are asked to believe that anyone who died after a positive covid ‘test’, no matter what underlying health issues they had, died with Covid19 and that is what is fraudulently recorded on their death certificates.
Simultaneously, a Cult member is also required to accept the narrative that anyone who died after receiving the injection of poison died as a result of their underlying health issues. Little wonder so many are so helplessly lost.
If one estimates some 80% of the UK population are, in the short term, benefitting financially from the draconian and criminal lockdown measures, then it follows that a significant number are awake to the fact the UK ‘gov’ wants them dead and is using the vax to kill them.
Whitty Is Naked
As the child’s story, the Emperor’s New Clothes, reveals to us, it only takes one boy and a moment of truth to bring down the entire edifice of lies. The following video is analogous to the tale of the emperor and his cult followers whose lie is shattered when the scam is called out for what it is. This lad met with Whitty and called him out for exactly what he is doing: lying to the public about the scamdemic. It’s only a minute long but the lad achieves more in those 60 seconds than any purported journalist who fails to challenge the lies of Johnson, Whitty, Gates et al. It’s also interesting that Whitty just stands there, speechless, trying to hide behind his muzzle, probably wanting the ground to open up and take him. I dare say many others would echo that sentiment.
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Much appreciation, as always, to The Bernician and David R.
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It is mind boggling to me how supine and malleable certain folks have turned themselves into and were often the first to honk out quite loudly how a narcissist partners were taking advantage of tneir friends or family for example. It is like whistling in the wind, with the neighbour you mentio ed being quite the norm I cone across. Polite to an absolute fault, but mouthy when there is absolutely no come back. I am a child of the 80s and a daughter of fine parents that escaped soviet communism, it is so distressing. As a keyworker/ shop assistant in the same town you mentioned, I hear the desperation of customers, yet tbey lack a sense of tbeir own self and thus feel doomed.The tale of tbe dutch boy with his finger in the dyke comes to mind. Very much enjoy reading your output,btw.
Hi, Lumina. The city is in an engineered economic, social and spiritual collapse. Walking through its streets, one sees and feels it everywhere – boarded up shops, discarded muzzles and a palpable sense of quiet despair amongst the people. Those who choose ignorance right now will, inevitably, fall prey to the wolves who seek to destroy them. The lack of self you mention is directly proportional to their inability to think for themselves. In that regard, they are like zombies. Many thanks for dropping by and commenting.