Church & Schools in Collaboration of Cruelty

With Criminal UK ‘Gov’ over Covid-1984:

  • Archbishop of Canterbury places state higher than God.
  • State is deliberately engaging in  satanic practice to terrorise people into accepting the removal of their rights.
  • Church cruelly abandons its flock and imposes cruelty on the elders. 
  • Church of England Schools Engaging in Child Abuse. 
  • Education is the Antidote to Tyranny.


An overview of the State of Church & Schooling – Autumn Term, 2020.

When the Archbishop of Canterbury places the criminal UK ‘gov’ as a higher authority than God, the Church of England is in serious trouble. This fact cannot be overstated for it may even usher in its very demise. A price that will be necessary for its engagement with and support of the false state. In fact, this is true of every single church which has unquestioningly followed the ‘gov’s’ Covid-1984 psyop and closed its doors to their congregations, at a time when the sanctuary and community of church was never more needed. (At least, in modern memory). It is a scandalous breach of trust:


Sadly, it will come as no surprise that many (if not most) of the Church of England’s own schools have chosen to impose a muzzle requirement on their pupils.

One such COE school actively punishes those who refuse to wear masks,

“Despite being issued with two washable black masks in a hygienic storage bag and being explicitly made aware of where and when to wear them – a small minority of pupils at St. George’s Church of England Academy in Blackpool are said to be continually flouting the rules.  These pupils, say the school, ‘purposefully are being defiant’. The consequence of this defiance is that their peers and school staff are being put at risk as the Covid-19 pandemic continues.” Lytham St Annes News

Here’s a curious picture of the head teacher responsible for this act of child cruelty. Presumably, the shot was taken on the stairs in order to elevate him in some way. Perhaps it was staged that way because he is somewhat lacking in the height, as well as the heart, department?


To any right-thinking individual, a number of questions arise from this, of which, these are but a few:

  • What is the effect of the muzzling of the youth of Britain?
  • What does this tell them other than they are held in contempt by those who are entrusted with their education and well-being?
  • The muzzling means that they literally have no voice. What does that teach them about the regard the state and the compliant staff have for them?
  • Why are they are to be muzzled like vicious dogs?
  • What of the long term impact on the psychology of those young minds?
  • What subtle codes and symbolism are at play when one enters the #Masquerade ?

What are we to make of the despicable attempt to restrict their very breathing? To deny them oxygen when it is their natural, god-given right to breathe the air of the planet they live on is so anti-nature as to be nothing short of satanic (that which inverts the truth, or word of God). And, as incredible as it is,  the Church of England is actually endorsing this by way of its complicity with the criminal UK ‘gov’.

Where are the hard nosed, fiery preachers, banging on the pulpit about the state being the anti-christ and urging their congregations to hug one another? Or, raising ire about the way the young people are being treated and the very real threat of the New World Order?

The madness is everywhere:


A real education is not a process of indoctrination: in its truest sense, an education should provide the individual with the ability to apply critical thinking to any situation. Most of what passes for an education in the state system is, in fact, a form of brainwashing whereby the emphasis is on what to think, not how to think. In this sense, the schooling system is a fraud. 

A fraud that is peopled by those who fraudulently present themselves as dedicated, intelligent and caring teachers, when they are apologists for the state. Here, a Maths teacher spouts false information and engages in Covid-1984 fear mongering:

Whilst I am no longer a teacher, I do have friends who work in the state system. One has told me that in his secondary school, the teachers have been instructed to wear a mask when they walk from their cars to the classroom. They have also been instructed that any books they are taking home for marking, should be placed in a sealed bag and quarantined for 48 hours before the teacher can handle them. 

In addition, the school’s head teacher states that:

Additional modified rules to ensure we adhere to social distancing and hygiene protocols are as follows:

  • Arrive on time to school and go straight to your classroom –do not wait for friends around the site or on corridors
  • Enter the classroom quickly and quietly and wipe your table and chair (including the tops of the metal legs) thoroughly using the wipes provided
  • Use the hand sanitiser on entry to the classroom to clean your hands thoroughly.
  • Try to maintain a 2metre distance from all adults and from all students not in your group(other year groups who will be wearing different coloured badges for clarity)at all times
  • Pay close attention to markings on the floor/walls or barriers to follow the one-way system around the school site
  • When moving around the site, walk sensibly, calmly and purposefully following the one-way system strictly.
  • Remain at least 1 metre away wherever possible from the person in front and behind and do not seek to talk or mix with anyone from another year group.
  • Be mindful that lessons will be going on for other year groups and you should be careful not to disturb these
  • Stay in your allocated year group zones during break and lunchtime. You may not wander outside of your zone at any point nor enter another year group’s zone at any point
  • Avoid skin to skin contact with any other student and never spit in school
  • Maintain excellent hand hygiene. All students must wash their hands regularly for 20 seconds –(remembering the importance of drying)at the following times:
  • Before leaving home
  • On arrival to a classroom/area
  • After using the toilet
  • After breaks/sporting activities
  • Before food preparation
  • Before eating any food (including snacks)
  • Maintain good respiratory hygiene, adhering to the protocol of “Catch it –bin it –kill it”, using the lidded bins provided. Tissues will be available for students to aid with this.
  • In the event of not being able to quickly source a tissue, students should ensure they sneeze into the crook of their elbow
  • Do not leave your seat during lessons
  • Students are not to go to the toilet in lesson time unless they have a toilet pass or it is deemed an urgent situation. If a student does visit the toilet in lesson, this must only be done when their teacher agrees it issafe to do so.
  • Students are expected to strictly follow all instructions and should use hand sanitiser when returning to the lesson
  • When using the water fountains around the site, please observe 2 metres social distancing when queuing, sanitise your hands after use and use the station only as a re-fill station and do not drink directly from it
  • Leave the school after your final lesson of the day in an orderly fashion, calmly and quickly and when asked to do so by a member of staff, following the one-way system
  • All students are expected to behave in line with our usual standards of behaviour and expectations. We expect all students to respect one another, to respect all members of staff and to follow all staff instructions at all times.This is even more crucial during a time when keeping children and staff safe through carefully planned and executed social distancing is of paramount importance.

Again, what kind of psychological and educational issues emerge as a result of this? What price an epidemic of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? What will be the effect on the abilities of the pupils to read others’ facial expressions, when they cannot see their smiles, share their grimaces or observe a wee blush?


There we have it: the church and the so-called education system have revealed themselves to be fraudulent, a fact which will not surprise those who have been paying attention to a world in which everything has been inverted.  Thus, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is not only dancing to the Devil’s tune, he is in league with all of those forces that are opposed to the truth, the word of God.

Similarly, every teacher that complies with the patently ridiculous ‘regulations’ is in breach of his/her duty of care to all the children placed under his care and guidance.

To comply with the forces of tyranny, as history shows us, does not bode well for the collaborators.

True spirituality will not be found in the church for that institution has proven itself to be a fraud.

It is not complicity but love and fearlessness in the face of the tyranny that is the antidote to these dangerous times we are living in:




Much appreciation to David R for his continued sponsorship of the RM site.















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9 thoughts on “Church & Schools in Collaboration of Cruelty

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  1. ????????????????????????????????????????????

    A New Type of Preacher by A.W. Tozer

    If Christianity is to receive a rejuvenation, it must be by other means than any now being used. If the Church in the second half of this century is to recover from the injuries she suffered in the first half, there must appear a new type of preacher. The proper, ruler-of-the-synagogue type will never do. Neither will the priestly type of man who carries out his duties, takes his pay and asks no questions, nor the smooth-talking pastoral type who knows how to make the Christian religion acceptable to everyone. All these have been tried and found wanting.
    Another kind of religious leader must arise among us. He must be of the old prophet type, a man who has seen visions of God and has heard a voice from the Throne. When he comes (and I pray God there will be not one but many), he will stand in flat contradiction to everything our smirking, smooth civilization holds dear. He will contradict, denounce and protest in the name of God and will earn the hatred and opposition of a large segment of Christendom. Such a man is likely to be lean, rugged, blunt-spoken and a little bit angry with the world. He will love Christ and the souls of men to the point of willingness to die for the glory of the One and the salvation of the other. But he will fear nothing that breathes with mortal breath.
    “Lord, in the first half of this current century this need is even greater. Send to Your church today many who have ‘seen visions of God and…heard a voice from the Throne.’ Amen.”
    A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) – Known as the “20th century prophet,” his writings and preaching have brought many to a deeper walk with God. Pastored in the Alliance church fellowships for many years.
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