The world is divinely engineered, nihilism and the ‘Big Bang’ merely science fiction.
Check out the rhetoric: how critical thinking is the essential tool of freedom.
In loving memory of my father, Peter, who passed away, aged 79, on 22 January, 2017.
After a long neurological illness, my dad departed this mortal coil at 2.40pm last Sunday, with his wife of 58 years, his son and son-in-law at his bedside.
As I witnessed his last breath, my heart opened with what I can only describe as immense gratitude, a deep sense of connectedness and love for a man who had always insisted, from my early years, the importance of exercising
“the common sense that you were born with”.

An engineer, Peter left school at 15, became a projectionist at the Odeon cinema in Blackpool, before completing his 2 years national service at Catterick, North Yorkshire (where he also operated the camp’s 35mm projectors at its own cinema). In 1958, he began working at David Brown Gears in Huddersfield as a profile grinder, a place where my grandfather, Tom, had worked before him.
He went on to work there for 43 years before retiring in 2001.
Like many of his generation, he was not subjected to what now mistakenly passes for an ‘education system’. He was capable of seeing things clearly and, to my knowledge, no one (other than the usual statist entities of the Crown House of Rothschild) ever got the better of him. Whilst he was not always accurately informed, he spoke his mind and stated things as he saw them. He caused no harm to others and took no shit. People knew where they stood with him and he was, in the clearest sense of the term, a ‘good man’. Such a man, I would posit, is a fine example to any younger man who is paying sufficient attention. He had common sense in abundance, a mind that was capable of sifting the wheat from the chaff and he was a man who laughed regularly at the comedic nature of the people and the world around him. Moreover, he was always there for his family and for me.
Independent to his core, my father was a man who could turn his hand to anything: from bricklaying to building fireplaces to rewiring the house, to plumbing, to woodworking, to fixing and servicing the car, home-brewing, amateur operatics, he played (field) hockey until he was 54 and, up until his illness, was often to be seen out walking when others would choose to travel by car. Simply put, he was able to work things out, to see instantly how stuff worked and, as such, he was a man who was able to see through bullshit. He was not a man given to tears: the only occasions I recall being when he wept with hilarity (he had a great sense of humour, right up until the end) and, back in September, 1999, when he broke down crying as I left the house to go on a 16 month sojourn to India.
For years I did not truly understand how and why my departure had caused him to weep. Now I do, for the realisation has arisen within me these last few days that we are more inextricably connected to one another than we realise, often when it is very late. His cousin, Madeline stated to me the other day, “Blood is thicker than water, Michael” and it’s a maxim that now shines with crystal clarity.
Much of the bullshit we have to deal with is rhetorical:
the art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other compositional techniques.”
However, for rhetoric to be accurate and not misleading, it has to be founded on sound grammar (information) and reasoned thought (logic).
Of course, rhetoric need not be truthful and one only has to look at the premise of the double-speak of politicians and advertisers for illustrations of that. It is fair to state we are bombarded from all angles by fake rhetoric, often pushed out by the fake news outlets such as the BBC and the Guardian, CNN, Fox, Reuters being just a few examples.
Rhetoric is used to deceive, to persuade and to manipulate – emotionally, psychologically and socially. This is why memes can be so effective.
The individual can choose to switch off from it entirely by refusing to listen and watch any of the MSM. That is not to state, however, that the so-called ‘alternative’ information outlets are not engaging in promulgating fake rhetoric themselves, whether knowingly or otherwise.
In the current world of mass media and manipulation of all kinds, the individual will only be able to navigate his way through his life if he has developed the skills and ability to think critically. One way to do so is to learn the 3 ways of the Trivium. This is a practical template for him to develop further his latent powers to make sense of the world around him, to see through the lies of those who would seek to control, influence or persuade him of things that are untrue or fill him with erroneous beliefs that only benefit those who are seeking to gain from his naivety.
The state (Empire), the banksters and associated fake ‘financiers’, the puppet politicians, the pharmaceutical industry, the schooling system, advertisers and associated sellers of ‘snake oil’ all want to control him through his mental processing and the theft of his energy (via taxation, fake debt, false pharmaceutical ‘remedies’ and usury).
‘Empty Rhetoric’
When the facts and logic break down, the result is invariably non-sensical. To work out whether the rhetoric is true in its content, or merely empty, as it’s backed by nothing of substance, one simply needs to reverse engineer it.
In other words, work through the grammar and the logic from which it has been created. Learn what logical fallacies are and train your thinking to spot them when they occur.
Take the following, for instance, which was on a banner being carried by a bald-headed ‘mangina’ at a women’s march in London last weekend, a placard that someone, possibly the carrier himself, had gone to the time and expense of making and ask yourself is it built on fallacy or is the grammar and reasoning sound?
Empty rhetoric: “No uterus, no opinion.”
Grammar: uterus |ˈyo͞odərəs|
noun (pl. uteri |ˈyo͞otəˌrī, -ˌrē| )
the organ in the lower body of a woman or female mammal where offspring are conceived and in which they gestate before birth; the womb.
opinion |əˈpinyən|
a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge: I’m writing to voice my opinion on an issue of great importance | that, in my opinion, is dead right.
So, the message is if you are not a woman, then you cannot have an opinion.
When one asks ‘why’ that might be so, it all falls apart as there is no reason why one has to be a woman to have an opinion.
There is no information to suggest that only women have opinions.
It is a logical fallacy – an appeal to the emotions, or even to the absurd. Maybe he is taking the piss? Or even hoping to pull some feminista chick at the march?
In any event, being based on poor grammar and grounded in the illogical, it is a classic example of empty rhetoric.
Of course, it is an entirely transparent device but serves as a fine example, amongst many, of the empty rhetoric that is pumped out by many a SJW and feminista and those on the fake ‘left’ of the false political spectrum with phoney agendas to promote, the thinking behind which has been carried out by others whose only aim is manipulate, divide and rule or steal from. Many such groups and marches like this being funded by the discreditable ‘Soros Foundation’.
A more sophisticated example of empty rhetoric may be found in the nihilistic belief that life is meaningless, a completely random series of events that have happened by accident, all originating from a ‘big bang’ that occurred in the nothingness of ‘space’ and from which all life has evolved.
Nothing can come from nothing. To suggest otherwise is faulty reasoning. It is plain to state that Nature is a form of engineering – a divine engineering that has created all that is. Given the world around us, of which Man is a part, has been crafted by a creative power that is beyond our understanding, the engineer of which may or may not be termed ‘God’, we too have been divinely created by one whom we can never know or truly comprehend.
However, just because we cannot comprehend it, does not mean that it does not exist.
Whether one bores down into the microcosmic or zooms out to the macro, it is clear that all of it is a marvellous creation.
My father has, at least for now, returned to whence he came. Life is a glittering paradox and the world is the stage on which we each play our roles; a shimmering splendid creation, a sometimes seemingly incomprehensible platform of order and chaos, onto which we enter and exit. We pop in to the world, inhaling our first breath, and eventually we pop off, exhaling our final breath. It is resplendent with as much meaning and meaninglessness as we perceive, empty and full, triumphal and defeating, each to our parts. Singularly one, yet always connected – to those who are here and those that have departed.
By way of heartfelt appreciation, I salute too the great ancestral lineage from which my father emerged, a recent incarnation of a long, long line stretching down the millennia. It remains an epic interwoven strand of dna and spirit, the abundant qualities of which shone through my dad.
Who or whatever the divine creator behind it all is, Nature and Life, in all its aspects is an ineffable work of engineering.

In any event, my, dad who engineered gigantic, precise and ingenious gearing mechanisms out of steel (see above), was a wonderful force of nature who, at least as far as I am concerned, will be dearly missed. As the beloved so eloquently put it,
“May his journey back to source be illuminated by the lights of a thousand angels! We will keep the memory of his playful sense of humour and the strength of his soul. God bless Peter.”
Much love to all, but particularly, at this time, to my mother, my sister, niece, brother-in-law and, of course, my beloved.
Finally, here is the Gracie Fields song he requested be played at the end of his funeral: a fond farewell indeed.

A special thank you to Jamie U for his kind donation and, particularly, David R for his generous sponsorship of the work at this site. It’s greatly appreciated.
Anyone who wishes to show his appreciation of the work at RogueMale is also invited to make a donation via the Paypal button. Many thanks.
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Nice tribute to your Dad Michael, l think he would have liked it. Sounds like a really nice guy, i think we could do with a lot more like him around.
Thank-you, steve: it’s much appreciated.
my sincere condolences to you and yours at this poignant moment in time …….
Many thanks, brother.
Beautiful article.
Thank-you, Jan.
My condolences, I bade my father farewell 8 years ago, I still miss him.
Thank you, r0bynglass. As the article suggests, we are more connected than we realise. It’s a shame we cannot or do not fully understand how until some one dear passes on.
I’ve only just had a chance to read this fully and it reminds me of my own father who I lost way back in 1975 (I believe he too, was trained at Catterick, where he used to have a pet Jackdaw which often perched on his shoulder, much to the anger of the higher ranks!) a well-written article and a nice way to remember him – I’m sure he would be proud.
….by the way, I’d like to see the car that gear-box came out of! ☺
Hi, Paul and thanks for sharing that about your dad – loved the image of the jackdaw on his shoulder. It turns out my father was in the 14/20 Kings Hussars. He often spoke about those two years in the army as if they were the best of his life: maybe it was because his involvement running the cinema got him out of the more onerous duties?
The gearbox was more likely for a frigate or some other huge piece of machinery like a digger or crane. 😉
Thank-you for your kind comment, Paul. All the best.