(may also be useful for muslims and/or any others who choose willful ignorance over truth)

- Take one complete healthy newborn baby boy
- Register him with the state authorities as soon as possible, without question as to what it means to do so
- Permit any and all state-sponsored ‘Health’ workers access to him
- Do not question the purpose of such access
- Do not question the authority of the Doctors
- When a health worker suggests he would benefit from being circumcised, do not question this no matter what your maternal instincts tell you
- Allow the baby boy to be admitted into a hospital for this operation
- Do not question whether you or anyone has the right to mutilate him and/or whether it should be left for him to choose when able, whether or not he wants 20% of his penis removing by way of an unnecessary operation
- Agree with the white coats at all times – especially if they have a stethoscope and use the initials, ‘DR’
- When the time is right, take him to the white coats at their temple
- Accept that the operation will be performed in a brightly lit inner temple, conducted by priests who wear masks and wield macabre stainless steel instruments
- Understand he will feel immense pain: this is only to be expected as no anaesthetic is used
- Ignore any misgivings or sensations that arise in the pit of your stomach
- Hand the baby over
- Ignore any screams that may emanate from behind the door of the theatre
- Upon return of your butchered boy, be sure not to allow any germs to come near his mutilated penis
- Do not ask what has become of the foreskin – rest assured, we will dispose/sell or utilise it for our benefit
- Do not be concerned if he appears withdrawn – he has gone into post traumatic stress disorder as a direct consequence of the butchery and this is only ‘natural’
- When, as he grows older, he questions why his penis is different from the others he may see, simply tell him;
- a) that as a baby he had difficulty urinating and that genital mutilation was the only way to relieve this
- b) tell him that it’s not unusual and that millions of muslim and jewish boys have it done to them
- c) assure him that as a consequence of this act against nature, his penis, minus its protecting hood, will be more hygienic and that he will be less prone to sexually transmitted diseases should he engage in congress with a large number of unsuitable women.
Side Effects
- It is likely there will be some neurological re-wiring of his brain’s circuitry.
- He may become introverted as a consequence of this – don’t worry, such withdrawals are to be expected
- He may harbour a deep resentment towards you which, whether identified or not, may result in breaking the natural bond that exists between a mother and her son.
- May have the effect of him developing a mistrust of women in general
- It may well cause cognitive difficulties in his development – but don’t be unduly concerned about that as, on a positive note, that may be of benefit to those who would seek to control him
- He may develop an almost preternatural ability to tolerate physical and emotional pain
- As a result of the removal of a large number of glands from his penis, he may find sex somewhat less satisfying than others who have not been so mutilated
- He may resent you for the rest of your days – even if it remains unspoken
- It is possible he will harbour a similar resentment towards his father on the basis he did nothing to stop the
butcheryunnecessary nor did he question it - Should the lie that it was for hygienic reasons begin to unravel, note this could have further deleterious consequences for your already incurably damaged relationship
- You may be able to live with this by ignoring the lie and/or refusing to apologise for the breach in nature but please note, the side effects will continue to manifest in the absence of a settlement.
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