Episode 28: The Buddha of Brassington

The Buddha of Brassington In this Rogue Cast, recorded on Sunday, 7th January, I take a ramble around the hills near Carsington in Derbyshire.   The area has a long history of lead mining and the landscape is littered with the former workings and shafts. Some three hundred years ago, the author Daniel Defoe was... Continue Reading →

3 Dart Finishes Foo Fighter & Rothschilds’ Theatre of War

The shabby, blood-drenched Theatre of War has always been scripted for the macabre benefit of the Rothschild financiers. War is a racket and the only ones who benefit are those who fund both sides and control the narrative. This fact is beyond question - our dark Rothschild would-be-overlords play God with the lives of ordinary... Continue Reading →

Ukraine – the Brain Drain.

The volume of social media virtue-signalling from the morons about standing with Ukraine is further evidence of the cradle-to-grave brainwashing and social-engineering that has so befuddled those who have fallen into Mass-Formation-Psychosis. I’ve previously written about the inevitable and engineered rise of the moron

. These tosspots blather on about ‘democracy’, about freedom and human rights... Continue Reading →

The Cult of Covid

Encounters With The Cult & its Followers Earlier this month, I encountered the local vicar and his wife who were out walking across the local park. I made the point that the clergy have deserted their congregations at a time when they most needed the social contact. I also said that no truly spiritual man... Continue Reading →

The Truth Against the World

A Maxim is an eternal truth. The above aphorism was originally expressed by our ancestors in the ancient Brythonic language, ‘Y Gwir Yn Erbyn Y Byd’ When the truth is that Covid1984 is a fraud, on the simple basis that there is no evidence of its existence, and the criminal politicians and the complicit mainstream media... Continue Reading →

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