Is Elon Musk a Nice Man?

... is a Nice Man. Nice is an incorrectly and much over-used word, at least as far as the English language is concerned. I have been writing essays for close on 50 years, a discipline that was instilled into me throughout my state-education. From O-level, to A-level to a Degree in English Language and Literature,... Continue Reading →

Defendant’s Barrister Relies on Forged Affidavit in Fraud on County Court

What follows is a redacted account of how a False Lender, in this case, the Defendant (D) the Nationwide Building Society, apparently Forged the Claimant’s Affidavit in a hearing at Hull County Court. Whilst I have written extensively on the various frauds of the banks, with particular regard to the void Deed of Mortgage, which... Continue Reading →

64 – Narcissism: the Lights are on but no-one’s home.

Narcissism goes hand-in-hand with the demiurge. The last almost 5 years has served to reveal many aspects of this realm in which we find ourselves. One particularly pertinent revelation has shown us just how prevalent narcissism is amongst the populace, at every level, but especially in the realms of public authority - finance, governance, psychology,... Continue Reading →

Armageddon by Needlepoint – Revisited

Originally written and published on 14th March, 2021, during the draconian days of the fraudulent Divoc 91 psy-op and the criminal lock-downs, this essay should be read in the light of the fact that the effects of the injected poisonous serum continue to be experienced all around us. In that sense, the armageddon is still... Continue Reading →

Episode 48: The Dog Star Rages

As we enter the Dog Days of August. Yesterday, I posted an article which covered the scripted street theatrics that are breaking out across the Isles of Britain right now and posited that the riots are socially engineered. It is as though the controllers are baking a cake of civil unrest from a WEF recipe... Continue Reading →

The Dog Star Rages

as engineered riots break out around the Isles of Britain. The Dog Days of Summer are those days when the heat is at its fiercest, the tempers their shortest and the canine rage at its highest. The intensity of life is never more keenly felt than in the month of August, the height of the... Continue Reading →

Sunak: the English Imposter.

Sunak claims he is English. It is a mark of these weird times we are passing through that Rishi Sunak, the Bankster's puppet currently masquerading as the Prime Minister of the ill-gotten corporate entity commonly known as the 'United Kingdom', announced on St George's Day, 2024 that he is "proud to be English": The official... Continue Reading →

What Price British Justice?

A Quagmire: the State of the British Judiciary It is some 14 years since I stepped into Nottingham County Court to defend a fraudulent possession claim against my home of 16 years. At that time, I was reasonably confident in the British Justice system. However, I no longer take that view. Since that time to... Continue Reading →

Stop Funding the Terrorist State

Are you funding a terrorist state? If you're not sick to the gills of the tyranny and genocide being perpetrated by the terrorist state known as the criminal UK Government then stop reading now. Taxation levels in the UK are currently rising and destined to further increase by direct correlation to the plundering that has... Continue Reading →

Episode 019: The Great British Grand Jury

Reviving the Ancient Laws of these lands and the Grand Jury necessitates the collapse of a Fraudulent Court System. Let me begin by wishing all listeners a splendid Yuletide: may your glass and stomach be full, may joy and laughter be replete, all around you, in the midst of this Winter Solstice. Over the last... Continue Reading →

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