The World is a Fiction

The construct is necessarily a fiction. Notes Firstly, a heartfelt thank you for the kind donations and welcome to all new subscribers Debanked by the Co-op - 1k per day in UK The irony of being falsely accused of fraud by a fake 'bank' when every UK High St bank is operating fraudulently 24/7 Data... Continue Reading →

False Fears are Inculcated into Us

False fears are invariably predicated on lies and, Whilst God Loves a Trier, The Devil Loves a Liar   "Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil" is another maxim that has resonated with me from all those decades ago when I first heard it, most probably from my dear and departed mother, Jean. It is... Continue Reading →

Episode 57: Going Underground

Some 200 feet below the Pumping Station at Papplewick, Nottinghamshire, there is a huge aquifer- an underground supply of water that never runs dry. This is Part 2 of my RogueCast on the pumping station.   Half a mile to the north of the pump house, there is a remarkable underground reservoir, which the official... Continue Reading →

Episode 56: Pumped Up

Each day, millions of gallons of water are pumped up at the Papplewick Pumping Station to be distributed to thousands of homes. Now pumped out with electric pumps, which replaced the still-functioning steam-powered ones, the station stands as a monument to the engineering and architectural abilities of our British ancestors. This is a special edition... Continue Reading →

Episode 55: The Logos is Well Mannered

Logos is Reason, it is the logic of the Trivium and its meaning has been watered-down in the Bible by way of its mis-translation from the Greek to English. Manners Maketh the Man was the theme of yesterday's essay and this RogueCast is a further rumination on the subject, one in which I introduce the... Continue Reading →

Manners Maketh the Man

Good manners appear to be in short supply right now. It seems appropriate that after the recent passing of my 86 year old mother that I once again revisit another adage which she oft repeated to me at an earlier age, Manners maketh the Man Sometimes she would adopt it to, "It costs nothing to... Continue Reading →

Apocalypse Now

The Apocalypse Reveals the Enemy and, inevitably, the Warrior Steps forward. It scarcely needs stating but an apocalypse is upon us. apocalypse ORIGIN Old English, via Old French and ecclesiastical Latin from Greek apokalupsis, from apokaluptein ‘uncover, reveal’, from apo- ‘un-’ + kaluptein ‘to cover’.” Yet, every force has its opposite; and so, the forces... Continue Reading →


During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” George Orwell. HOW THE BRITISH ISLES ARE AWASH WITH TRAITOROUS COWARDS, PSYCHOPATHIC 'PRIESTS' & CANCEROUS LIES. The time for politeness is long gone. That's if it ever really existed of course.  There are deceitful traitors amongst us whose very existence is predicated upon... Continue Reading →

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