Preparing for the cull: dumbing down the populace.

This article was originally written 7 years ago today. I have just come across it in the drafts section of my 'dashboard' on WordPress. I have recently been writing about the ease with which the Great Global Lurgy Swindle has been rolled out and accepted by a largely compliant populace. Said peoples are Lambs to... Continue Reading →

Licence to Kill Bill: UK Gov Sinks Further into Criminality

Like a blood-thirsty cadre of vampires, the Bankster-backed Big Pharma coup d'état of the UK ‘gov’ is peopled by men and women who falsely believe they have the ability to grant other people the right to commit crimes.  When I state the UK Gov has Gone Rogue, in no way is it to be inferred that... Continue Reading →

Unmasked: Banking & Genocide.

Satanic Cull Unmasked. Aleister Crowley, Rishi Sunak & the Culling of the ‘Herd’. Just as the apocalypse continues, which is literally the great unmasking (unveiling) of any and all of the state’s falsehoods, the state encourages the masking (veiling) of the brainwashed masses.  In other words, as the multifarious frauds continue to be revealed, the... Continue Reading →

Covid1984 and The Emperor’s New Clothes

Parallels With Children's Tale That Warns of Mass Deception. The emperor who gets scammed by a pair of con-artists is a cautionary children’s tale about a swindle which, like all scams, relies upon the psychological manipulation of the target. It is a story in which the swindle permeates down from the king, through his courtiers... Continue Reading →

Church & Schools in Collaboration of Cruelty

With Criminal UK ‘Gov’ over Covid-1984: Archbishop of Canterbury places state higher than God. State is deliberately engaging in  satanic practice to terrorise people into accepting the removal of their rights. Church cruelly abandons its flock and imposes cruelty on the elders.  Church of England Schools Engaging in Child Abuse.  Education is the Antidote to... Continue Reading →

Faking it: broken Royal promises, the anti-christ and TGBMS.

Part 1: The Royal Rejection of god by the queen and her men. “No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God.” Sir William Blackstone. Recently, I’ve been considering the nature of my relation to god, particularly in regard to natural law and the truth or logos (as... Continue Reading →


Watching Tony Blair’s post-Chilcot release press conference, with him stood in front of a sickly yellow flock wallpaper backdrop is a disturbing yet fascinating experience. In the footage, Blair clings to the wreckage of his torpedoed psyche, a man adrift, a man slowly drowning in the swirling sea of his own delusions. He grasps at... Continue Reading →


CUI BONO? The agent provocateur's purpose is to cause disruption. Divide and Rule is the well-established modus operandi of those who seek to oppress and control mankind and who operate under fake authority, whether that be of a spiritual, psychological, medical, financial, political, scientific, social, educational or legal kind. The British Army has even set... Continue Reading →


The Nature of the Beast - Schooling, TV and the Demoralisation of the Indigenous Peoples of the Isles of Britain.   demoralise |diˈmôrəˌlīz| verb [ with obj. ] 1: to corrupt the morals of 2 a :  to weaken the morale of :  discourage, dispirit b :  to upset or destroy the normal functioning of... Continue Reading →


REVIVED GRAND JURY OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE SHIRE OF NOTTINGHAM UNANIMOUSLY FINDS CASE TO ANSWER THAT CRAWFORD EVICTION WAS UNLAWFUL.  How much attention is being paid by the judiciary and the CPS and all the associated ‘solicitors’ who tout for business in the lofty heights of the Nottingham Magistrates Court to the... Continue Reading →

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