What follows is a redacted account of how a False Lender, in this case, the Defendant (D) the Nationwide Building Society, apparently Forged the Claimant’s Affidavit in a hearing at Hull County Court. Whilst I have written extensively on the various frauds of the banks, with particular regard to the void Deed of Mortgage, which... Continue Reading →
The Mortgage Monkey
The Great British Mortgage Swindle in Real Time. This Rogue Cast (070) is a condensed exposition of the various components that comprise the multi-levelled racketeering operation which is revealed in the Great British Mortgage Swindle (TGBMS) the eviscerating documentary that was released in late 2018. Whilst I have written extensively about TGBMS, this episode stands... Continue Reading →
Episode 63: Your Mortgage Contract
Contract is agreement. You want me to perform? Fine, first show me the conract, show me exactly when and where I agreed to any of it. This week’s discourse is on the subject of contracts. The first thing to note is that, no matter who or where you are, each and everyone of us is... Continue Reading →
Money – the most pernicious religion.
The persistent belief in Money marks it as the one religion that holds the world in its sway. Many a religion uses private enforcers to manage and protect its interests and the High Priests of 'Banking' are no exception. How the ‘Police’ are the de facto enforcers of the Licenced Credit Agencies Masquerading as ‘Banks’... Continue Reading →
Episode 62: There is No Money in a Credit system
This RogueCast is a discourse on the subject of my article, Let's Talk about Money which should be read in conjunction with it. Whilst the various frauds of this realm are all around us, one of the biggest is the illusion of money. We each give it a value and have a confidence in it... Continue Reading →
Let’s Talk about Money
What money? you may well ask... I have yet to find any regular author, internet ‘blogger’ or podcaster who goes anywhere near the question of what money is and from whence it comes. In this sense money has a religious quality attached to it, for is it not the case that, “Everyone believes in the... Continue Reading →
Episode 39: A Bailiff Calls.
An Encounter with Mr Butlin, an agent of ‘Marston Recovery’. Fraud Alert: this Rogue Cast features an attempt by a Marston Group Bailiff (debt collector) to levy a false fine using a fake Warrant of Control. Before I go any further, let’s remind ourselves of what the constitutional law of these lands says about the... Continue Reading →
Renegade Inc: that interview.
In May, 2019, Michael O'Bernicia and yours truly were interviewed by Ross Ashcroft at the Renegade Inc Studio in London. The show was broadcast on its terrestrial tv channel on Russia Today. After 9 years of full-on engagement in the Great British Mortgage Swindle, Michael and I had produced the film and had taken it... Continue Reading →
Episode 37: A Question of Authority
Under whose Authority Do You Stand? The ‘UK Establishment’ is firmly and deliberately embedded in the ‘Legal’ system, meaning they are in league with their satanic paymasters to cover up certain swindles, like the Great British Mortgage Swindle, or exposure of such salient matters as the Name Game. The majority of those judges, barristers and... Continue Reading →
What Price British Justice?
A Quagmire: the State of the British Judiciary It is some 14 years since I stepped into Nottingham County Court to defend a fraudulent possession claim against my home of 16 years. At that time, I was reasonably confident in the British Justice system. However, I no longer take that view. Since that time to... Continue Reading →