In this Discourse, the Rogue Male Considers How Association Football Shot itself in both feet and how Staged Events Like Football Are to Be Expected in a Theatrical World. Has Association Football Moronically Assigned its Thoroughbreds to the Knacker’s Yard? Notes Welcome and a heartfelt thank you all those who have kindly left a... Continue Reading →
The Genocide of the Moronic (Part 2) Revisited
The resulting genocide caused by the injection of the deadly serum continues to unfold around us, with increasing numbers of people dying suddenly across all levels of society, including the young, middle-aged and the elderly. Whilst their deaths do get reported in the discreditable mainstream media, no mention is ever made as to what caused... Continue Reading →
The Genocide of the Moronic (Part 1) Revisited.
Moronic genocide continues 5 years on from the first wave. This article was originally written and posted some three years ago now and, for reasons which are clear and apparent, at least to more readers now than then, it is as relevant today as it was then. I state this on the basis that... Continue Reading →
25: The River Leen & the Lien Process
In this ramble along the River Leen in Nottingham, we examine further the steps that the individual can take against those who are committing fraud against him, with specific reference to the Common Law Equitable Lien process. Following on from Episode 24, topics include, the Bankrupt councils, where are your payments going?, the unlawfulness of... Continue Reading →
New Zealand Gov Threatens to ‘Take Down’ Rogue Male Site
Yes, you read that correctly. On 25th August, 2023, the “Internal Affairs Dept” of the NZ Gov issued a ‘take down’ notice to the hosting platform for this site, the specifics of which can be viewed below. The referenced article is a short piece linking to a documentary about the staged Christchurch shooting of 2019.... Continue Reading →
Ukraine – the Brain Drain.
The volume of social media virtue-signalling from the morons about standing with Ukraine is further evidence of the cradle-to-grave brainwashing and social-engineering that has so befuddled those who have fallen into Mass-Formation-Psychosis. I’ve previously written about the inevitable and engineered rise of the moron . These tosspots blather on about ‘democracy’, about freedom and human rights... Continue Reading →
Holocaust Denial.
The victims of what may be termed a holocaust of the vaccinated, have been shot on a mass scale, the clots pulled from their veins and the crematoria have been fired up. Fans and Players having heart attacks in stands and on field of play. Mainstream media, all associated football mouthpieces and football authorities ignore... Continue Reading →
Nottingham People to Stand Up To Tyranny
It is a tyranny that is going Tits Up. Remember, Remember 21st December. On the Winter Solstice, beginning at 6:30pm on Tuesday, the people of Nottingham will be meeting at the iconic Robin Statue to voice the fact that they have had enough of the tyranny, the mass murder ‘program’ and any and all attempts... Continue Reading →
The Genocide of the Moronic (Part 2) Revisited
In part 1, I detailed how the minds of the moronic have been captured by the Ahrimanic forces of genocide that Rudolph Steiner had prophesised were going to attempt a complete takeover of Mankind, his mind, body and soul. It is the influence of Ahriman that is behind each and every eugenist and the genocide... Continue Reading →
Graphene Hydroxide: Like “Razor Blades” in the blood.
Was German Chemist Dr Andreas Noack Killed for Revealing the Truth about Graphene Hydroxide in Vials? The following video features the findings of the (allegedly) murdered German expert in Carbon and Graphene Oxide and their applications. The fact GO is an undisclosed ingredient in the vile vials produced by Pfizer et al renders any and... Continue Reading →