Is Elon Musk a Nice Man?

... is a Nice Man. Nice is an incorrectly and much over-used word, at least as far as the English language is concerned. I have been writing essays for close on 50 years, a discipline that was instilled into me throughout my state-education. From O-level, to A-level to a Degree in English Language and Literature,... Continue Reading →

Education: A Discourse on its True Meaning

In this RogueCast, I consider How Education Has Been Inverted. The word ‘Education’ is from the Latin, Educare, the definition of which is, ORIGIN late Middle English: from Latin educat- ‘led out’, from the verb educare, related to educere ‘lead out’ (see educe). Notes How the Truth has become an Inversion. Appointment of Sir Hamid... Continue Reading →

Defendant’s Barrister Relies on Forged Affidavit in Fraud on County Court

What follows is a redacted account of how a False Lender, in this case, the Defendant (D) the Nationwide Building Society, apparently Forged the Claimant’s Affidavit in a hearing at Hull County Court. Whilst I have written extensively on the various frauds of the banks, with particular regard to the void Deed of Mortgage, which... Continue Reading →

Correct Thinking – The Real National Deficit

As Useful Idiots Expel 17 Year old. For the purposes of this article,  correct thinking is taken to mean that which is right, as opposed to incorrect thinking which is wrong. "A man's life of any worth is a continual allegory - and very few eyes can see the mystery."  John Keats The failure of... Continue Reading →

Episode 39: A Bailiff Calls.

An Encounter with Mr Butlin, an agent of ‘Marston Recovery’. Fraud Alert: this Rogue Cast features an attempt by a Marston Group Bailiff (debt collector) to levy a false fine using a fake Warrant of Control. Before I go any further, let’s remind ourselves of what the constitutional law of these lands says about the... Continue Reading →

Renegade Inc: that interview.

In May, 2019, Michael O'Bernicia and yours truly were interviewed by Ross Ashcroft at the Renegade Inc Studio in London. The show was broadcast on its terrestrial tv channel on Russia Today. After 9 years of full-on engagement in the Great British Mortgage Swindle, Michael and I had produced the film and had taken it... Continue Reading →

Episode 36: Preposterous

Preposterous: the brass neck of an imposter in Derry, a judicial cover-up and a rigged election. pre·pos·ter·ous| prəˈpäst(ə)rəs | adjective contrary to reason or common sense; utterly absurd or ridiculous: a preposterous suggestion.   ORIGIN mid 16th century: from Latin praeposterus ‘reversed, absurd’(from prae ‘before’ + posterus ‘coming after’) + -ous.   The preposterous mayoral... Continue Reading →

Episode 34: Dead and Buried

Is the current judicial system dead? In this RogueCast from Rock Cemetery, Nottingham, I posit that it is and that we are witnessing the death of ‘UK’ Justice. It is well-known that the UK courts operate through the incorporated dead 'persons', the incorporated ALL-CAPITALS NAME and that this is your 'legal fiction'. It is, therefore, most... Continue Reading →

Episode 33: TAKING IT BACK

TAKING IT BACK - A SUCCESSFUL COMMON LAW RESTITUTION OF A STOLEN HOME BY THE PEOPLE. Location: Spondon, Derbyshire. On Friday, 22nd March, 2024 - notice the date: 3/22 - a gang of men masquerading as Derbyshire Police Force aided and abetted the criminally fraudulent theft of a private home in Spondon, Derbyshire by... Continue Reading →

Episode 32 – The Perversion of Justice

UK Courts Unfit for Purpose. A Rogue Cast in which I ramble, once again, over the state of the British Justice system. Last week, a female Judge, Amanda Rippon, manifestly perverted the course of justice in Newcastle when she evidently a void order formulated by a mind that is clouded in political correctness and woke... Continue Reading →

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