Fraud: BOS Attempts Possession without original Deed

And Fails. Fraudulent Possession Claim Exposed. Judge rules, No Valid Deed, No Claim as Bank says the mortgage deed is “lost”. The following screenshots are taken from a website, entirelylegal which was posted under the headline, “Liverpool woman battles Bank of Scotland for alleged mortgage fraud.” It shows how crucial a genuine mortgage deed is... Continue Reading →

Covid-1984 & The Great British Mortgage Swindle

Millions of Britons Facing Eviction As A Result of Pandemic Hoax. On 31st October, 2020 the current moratorium on mortgage possession claims will come to an end. Simultaneously, the UK ‘gov’s’ furlough scheme will end. Any critical thinker will know by now that the Covid-1984 psychological operation (psyop) has many elements to it. One crucial element... Continue Reading →

Barclays Suspends Possession Claims as TGBMS Pressure Mounts

For the last 6 months, a claimant in the Representative Action against all UK mortgage companies ("V") has been demanding that Barclays Bank Plc (trading as The Woolwich) provide her with the legal contract that complies with Section 2 of the Law of Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1989 (LPMP Act). In accord with the Law... Continue Reading →

#TGBMS: No Contract?

Common Law, Commercial Law and statutory law require contracts. So, why haven't you got a contract for your 'mortgage'? In the previous article, I focused on the fact that a mortgage deed cannot be materially altered after it has been signed and the sound reasoning behind it. The Great British Mortgage Swindle is also dependent upon... Continue Reading →


Centuries of Law to support the fact a deed cannot be altered (without expressed written consent) after it has been executed.  A regular question that arises in regard to the industrial scale and multi-levelled Great British Mortgage Swindle is what right does the conveyancing solicitor have to add the date after the deed of mortgage... Continue Reading →

#TGBMS – a very British Renaissance

  Across the lands of Europe and the isles of Britain, the people are increasingly aware of just how corrupt their 'governments' are. For instance, the Gilet Jaune movement in France is now in its 23rd week and shows no sign of relenting. Some might well argue a revolution is required. But, what of a... Continue Reading →

TGBMS – an Update.

TGBMS is predicated on an insidious fraud involving the very homes we live in. It is obvious that man needs shelter and that, particularly in northern climes, his shelter has to be substantial in order for him to survive the vicissitudes of the seasons. It is also self-evident that a criminal financial system, fuelled by... Continue Reading →

#TGBMS – Knocking Down the Dominoes of Dogma

Defeating dogma has never been easy. On many occasions, the individual can become disheartened that his efforts appear to have come to nought. Taking my own experiences over the last 8 years, during which time I took on the government bank known as the Bradford and Bingley over my void mortgage and ended up being... Continue Reading →

Thought for the day: End #TGBMS & free the People from debt slavery.

  Make no mistake, when a small group of determined individuals stand up to tyranny, there is an effect. 8 years ago, I took on the might of the Rothschild Banking Monopoly by making a counter claim in Nottingham County Court against the Bradford and Bingley who had begun false possession proceedings against my home... Continue Reading →


  There are some 11.2 million of them in Britain but how many people actually understand what a mortgage is? A mortgage literally means, ‘Dead Pledge’: late Middle English: from Old French, literally ‘dead pledge,’ from mort (from Latin mortuus ‘dead’) + gage ‘pledge.’ A pledge is a promise.  A mortgage is a dead promise.... Continue Reading →

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