Crime and Punishment

In Dostoyevsky’s ‘Crime and Punishment’, the protagonist, Raskolnikov, a 23 year old former student in St Petersburg commits the murder of an old woman (a pawnbroker) and her sister. This begins a downward spiral into his own conscience. The harm he has caused is partially resultant from a need to break out of a life... Continue Reading →

There can be no forgiveness without repentance.

It is a maxim that remorse precedes forgiveness on the simple basis that a wrong-doer must first acknowledge his sin. After all, how can one forgive someone who has caused you harm when he or she does not admit it and experience genuine remorse? There can be no forgiveness without repentance: repent | rəˈpent |... Continue Reading →

Man, be not afraid.

I wrote previously of the limp-wristed ‘men’ who ponce about on the world’s geo-political stage, tap-dancing to the tune of the Rothschild-dominated WEF and acting as if the un-godly plans of the Deep State are a fait accompli. The false edifice of control is cemented only by the compliance of the en-slaved. As I walk... Continue Reading →

Patriarchy Rules Triumphantly

Cutting through the dogma of trans-waffle, woke horseshit and the vile inversion of the Anti-Christ. The ultimate victory for ‘Patriarchy’ as biological men compete in and win women's games When biological men with blatant mental issues are given a free card to compete in women’s sports, it is plain to state that this makes a... Continue Reading →

3 Dart Finishes Foo Fighter & Rothschilds’ Theatre of War

The shabby, blood-drenched Theatre of War has always been scripted for the macabre benefit of the Rothschild financiers. War is a racket and the only ones who benefit are those who fund both sides and control the narrative. This fact is beyond question - our dark Rothschild would-be-overlords play God with the lives of ordinary... Continue Reading →

Shipwrecked – Megalomania’s Going Down

The Ship of Genocidal Fools and Megalomania is Sinking. Smashed on the rocks and washed up on the face-nappy littered beach of its shattered megalomaniac desire to rule over all and sundry via its Graphene Oxide and AI mechanised inoculations, the corporate ship has floundered. It has been wrecked by its ill-gotten and Satanic intent... Continue Reading →

Playing the Populace: Mass Formation Psychosis

The Divoc 91 plandemic is blatant brainwashing. Hypnotised and Brainwashed into compliance with the tyranny, the recipients of the jib-jab have slipped into a nonsensical netherworld of delusion. On New Year’s Eve, four old friends and yours truly were out tramping over and around the Roaches of the North Staffordshire Moors. At 14’C. it was... Continue Reading →

The Genocide of the Moronic (Part 2) Revisited

In part 1, I detailed how the minds of the moronic have been captured by the Ahrimanic forces of genocide that Rudolph Steiner had prophesised were going to attempt a complete takeover of Mankind, his mind, body and soul. It is the influence of Ahriman that is behind each and every eugenist and the genocide... Continue Reading →

Graphene Hydroxide: Like “Razor Blades” in the blood.

Was German Chemist Dr Andreas Noack Killed for Revealing the Truth about Graphene Hydroxide in Vials? The following video features the findings of the (allegedly) murdered German expert in Carbon and Graphene Oxide and their applications. The fact GO is an undisclosed ingredient in the vile vials produced by Pfizer et al renders any and... Continue Reading →

Hydra Vulgaris: when myth becomes reality

Heavy metal based lifeforms? Microbiota found in vials. Beyond the Graphene Oxide and into the world of the immortal Hydra Vulgaris. The presence of the trade secret ingredient, Graphene Oxide in the mag-jab is becoming increasingly obvious to those who are paying attention. However, we are in an apocalypse and that means everything is being... Continue Reading →

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