What one does not resist, persists - our lands have been stolen and thousands of genocidal evictions over fraudulent banking claims take place up, down & across these shores every week. Only the individual people can bring it to a halt. UPDATE: Please watch and share the you tube video that Tom has now made,... Continue Reading →
IN THE LAIR OF THE PSYCHO-MAFIA Three days ago the RM was witness to a hearing of a phony claim by a lying lawyer representing the failed Bank of Scotland, at the High Court, in a place known as Leeds. THE GREAT BRITISH MORTGAGE SWINDLE is a genocidal charade built upon layers of fallacy, denial... Continue Reading →
... A group of 13 to 25 sovereign and indigenous individuals come together in order to form a Grand Jury of these lands to determine the facts pertaining to the on-going genocide of the indigenous peoples by way of banking fraud, particularly as it applies to the Great British Mortgage Swindle. Imagine… A suitable venue... Continue Reading →
THE ONGOING CULL OF THE INDIGENOUS MAN. One of the joys of being here in this epoch is that not only does one have a rich tapestry of personal experiences to draw upon, there is also a wealth of cultural heritage, a growing body of true ancient history and a library of wonderful music... Continue Reading →