#TGBMS: No Contract?

Common Law, Commercial Law and statutory law require contracts. So, why haven't you got a contract for your 'mortgage'? In the previous article, I focused on the fact that a mortgage deed cannot be materially altered after it has been signed and the sound reasoning behind it. The Great British Mortgage Swindle is also dependent upon... Continue Reading →


Centuries of Law to support the fact a deed cannot be altered (without expressed written consent) after it has been executed.  A regular question that arises in regard to the industrial scale and multi-levelled Great British Mortgage Swindle is what right does the conveyancing solicitor have to add the date after the deed of mortgage... Continue Reading →

Faking it: broken Royal promises, the anti-christ and TGBMS.

Part 1: The Royal Rejection of god by the queen and her men. “No enactment of man can be considered law unless it conforms to the law of God.” Sir William Blackstone. Recently, I’ve been considering the nature of my relation to god, particularly in regard to natural law and the truth or logos (as... Continue Reading →

TGBMS: the Fraud of Antonio Horta-Osorio.

Consensus Reality is a phrase that means those sets of things which the majority of people consider to be real. There are countless examples but for the purposes of this article, let’s focus on the fraud of the banking system. Most people wrongly believe that the banks loan them money. This false belief leads them... Continue Reading →

#TGBMS – Knocking Down the Dominoes of Dogma

Defeating dogma has never been easy. On many occasions, the individual can become disheartened that his efforts appear to have come to nought. Taking my own experiences over the last 8 years, during which time I took on the government bank known as the Bradford and Bingley over my void mortgage and ended up being... Continue Reading →

Thought for the day: End #TGBMS & free the People from debt slavery.

  Make no mistake, when a small group of determined individuals stand up to tyranny, there is an effect. 8 years ago, I took on the might of the Rothschild Banking Monopoly by making a counter claim in Nottingham County Court against the Bradford and Bingley who had begun false possession proceedings against my home... Continue Reading →

Banking & Electioneering: Frigging in the Rigging

The Rothschilds, their Polipuppets and the Fraud of the General Election Let’s face facts - the ‘snap’ election scheduled for 8th June, 2017 is nothing more than a sophisticated puppet show, the result of which will be rigged in favour of those who control the marionettes who operate on the stage known as the House... Continue Reading →


The Immorality of Banking -  a plain tale Of Old King Coal, fake LOBO loans and illusory debt, exposed to the bones. I have written many times about the fraudulent nature of the banking system;  I have even fallen prey to its genocidal ways and co-produced a film about it, TGBMS.  I’m not going to... Continue Reading →


  There are some 11.2 million of them in Britain but how many people actually understand what a mortgage is? A mortgage literally means, ‘Dead Pledge’: late Middle English: from Old French, literally ‘dead pledge,’ from mort (from Latin mortuus ‘dead’) + gage ‘pledge.’ A pledge is a promise.  A mortgage is a dead promise.... Continue Reading →


THE RED, WHITE & BLUE PILL WE LIVE IN A CIRCUS MAXIMUS - WHOSE SCRIPT ARE YOU FOLLOWING? The fact is elections are invariably rigged by the controllers. It’s an age old game and the election of Donald Trump is the latest example. If voting made a difference they wouldn’t let you do it. Elections,... Continue Reading →

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