A Winter of Discontent

In which the Rogue Male discourses on this Winter of Discontent, State Plunder, the Inevitability of the Swing to the Reich (sic) and how the Dissenting Individual is More Powerful than He Realises. The discourse continues with a discussion of how his good friend Dave’s Claim of Mortgage Fraud against a UK Lender was Railroaded... Continue Reading →

The Mortgage Monkey

The Great British Mortgage Swindle in Real Time. This Rogue Cast (070) is a condensed exposition of the various components that comprise the multi-levelled racketeering operation which is revealed in the Great British Mortgage Swindle (TGBMS) the eviscerating documentary that was released in late 2018. Whilst I have written extensively about TGBMS, this episode stands... Continue Reading →

Episode 63: Your Mortgage Contract

Contract is agreement. You want me to perform? Fine, first show me the conract, show me exactly when and where I agreed to any of it. This week’s discourse is on the subject of contracts. The first thing to note is that, no matter who or where you are, each and everyone of us is... Continue Reading →

Money – the most pernicious religion.

The persistent belief in Money marks it as the one religion that holds the world in its sway. Many a religion uses private enforcers to manage and protect its interests and the High Priests of 'Banking' are no exception. How the ‘Police’ are the de facto enforcers of the Licenced Credit Agencies Masquerading as ‘Banks’... Continue Reading →

Episode 62: There is No Money in a Credit system

This RogueCast is a discourse on the subject of my article, Let's Talk about Money which should be read in conjunction with it. Whilst the various frauds of this realm are all around us, one of the biggest is the illusion of money. We each give it a value and have a confidence in it... Continue Reading →

Let’s Talk about Money

What money? you may well ask... I have yet to find any regular author, internet ‘blogger’ or podcaster who goes anywhere near the question of what money is and from whence it comes. In this sense money has a religious quality attached to it, for is it not the case that, “Everyone believes in the... Continue Reading →

False Fears are Inculcated into Us

False fears are invariably predicated on lies and, Whilst God Loves a Trier, The Devil Loves a Liar   "Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil" is another maxim that has resonated with me from all those decades ago when I first heard it, most probably from my dear and departed mother, Jean. It is... Continue Reading →

Episode 54 – The Truth

Plainly expressed, the Truth is simple, which is in marked contrast to the falsehoods that are so manifestly pumped out right now, largely by the state-institutions of propaganda but also by individuals who put their rhetoric before the grammar (the data) and logic (reason). However, the Truth is always a beautiful thing for when it... Continue Reading →

Episode 53: Credit Where Credit is Due

Credit creation and the Deception of Banking. In this ramble through the woods adjacent to Beauvale Priory, in Nottinghamshire, I examine the issue of banking and fake debt, with particular reference to the swindle inherent in every mortgage. The entire edifice of what we call money is, 100% credit based, as detailed in my previous... Continue Reading →

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