Episode 68: The Glass Menagerie

The Alternative Media Menagerie The danger of throwing pebbles in a glass house is a suitable metaphor for those fringe magnets who inhabit the snow dome that is the alternative media. Menagerie noun a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition. a strange or diverse collection of people or things: some other specimen... Continue Reading →

Episode 46: The Sheep Farm Paradox

For those who may not know, the Sheep Farm Podcast is the platform created and run by Dominic and Christian, two brothers who come from the same area of Huddersfield as myself. In fact, we  went to the same state institute of mind control known as 'Salendine Nook High School', albeit at different times,. Once... Continue Reading →

Episode 45: The Paradox

The Paradox of Existence. In this latest edition of the RogueCast, I ramble around Colwick Park and consider the paradoxical nature of existence. “The ancient Greeks were well aware that a paradox can take us outside our usual way of thinking. They combined the prefix para- ("beyond" or "outside of") with the verb dokein ("to... Continue Reading →

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