Episode 67: Eccentric

Your Eccentricity is Divine. Recorded on 20th November, 2024, this Rogue Cast is on the priceless value of the individual’s eccentricity. When I was growing up in the town of Huddersfield, eccentricity was relatively commonplace. Those individuals who demonstrated it most were labelled ‘characters’ but there are many other epithets that could be used: The... Continue Reading →

Welby ‘Avin’ You – Bashing the Bishop

Welby gone Justin Time as Church of England Slides into the Mire. The notion that the Church of England cares for the spiritual well-being of the peoples is as ridiculous as claiming that Jimmy Savile was a great childminder. This fake fish-hatted actor first came to my attention in the midst of the Convid91 Genocidal... Continue Reading →

The Genocide of the Moronic (Part 2) Revisited

The resulting genocide caused by the injection of the deadly serum continues to unfold around us, with increasing numbers of people dying suddenly across all levels of society, including the young, middle-aged and the elderly. Whilst their deaths do get reported in the discreditable mainstream media, no mention is ever made as to what caused... Continue Reading →

The Genocide of the Moronic (Part 1) Revisited.

  Moronic genocide continues 5 years on from the first wave. This article was originally written and posted some three years ago now and, for reasons which are clear and apparent, at least to more readers now than then, it is as relevant today as it was then. I state this on the basis that... Continue Reading →

There can be no forgiveness without repentance.

It is a maxim that remorse precedes forgiveness on the simple basis that a wrong-doer must first acknowledge his sin. After all, how can one forgive someone who has caused you harm when he or she does not admit it and experience genuine remorse? There can be no forgiveness without repentance: repent | rəˈpent |... Continue Reading →

The Genocide of the Moronic (Part 2) Revisited

In part 1, I detailed how the minds of the moronic have been captured by the Ahrimanic forces of genocide that Rudolph Steiner had prophesised were going to attempt a complete takeover of Mankind, his mind, body and soul. It is the influence of Ahriman that is behind each and every eugenist and the genocide... Continue Reading →

The Genocide of the Moronic (Part 1)

The moronic indulge in the Masquerade as genocide unfolds about them.   Critical thinking in short supply amongst the clergy and the chattering classes.   Foolish decision making exemplified by Omicron acceptance. This article was originally written and posted some three years ago now and, for reasons which are clear and apparent, it is as... Continue Reading →

Church & Schools in Collaboration of Cruelty

With Criminal UK ‘Gov’ over Covid-1984: Archbishop of Canterbury places state higher than God. State is deliberately engaging in  satanic practice to terrorise people into accepting the removal of their rights. Church cruelly abandons its flock and imposes cruelty on the elders.  Church of England Schools Engaging in Child Abuse.  Education is the Antidote to... Continue Reading →

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