They Shoot Footballers, Don’t They? How Football is Crocked.

In this Discourse, the Rogue Male Considers How Association Football Shot itself in both feet and how Staged Events Like Football Are to Be Expected in a Theatrical World. Has Association Football Moronically Assigned its Thoroughbreds to the Knacker’s Yard?   Notes Welcome and a heartfelt thank you all those who have kindly left a... Continue Reading →

Kicker Conspiracy 2: Are the jabbed players crocked?

Here is another kicker about football for your consideration. Luton Town Football Club proudly proclaimed that all their players had been jabbed and boosted. Subsequently, their captain, Adam Lockyer, suffered 2 heart attacks on the field of play: Back in 2021, I wrote an essay in which I compared the jabbing of professional footballers with... Continue Reading →

Kicker Conspiracy: Football is a Freemasonic Game

and the Stadia are Harvesting Energy. Here’s the kicker: ever since I was a young lad, and that is a long time ago, I have been interested in the sport officially known as Association Football. Whilst I stopped playing some years ago, my allegiance or support for the Football club known as Huddersfield Town has... Continue Reading →

Holocaust Denial.

The victims of what may be termed a holocaust of the vaccinated, have been shot on a mass scale, the clots pulled from their veins and the crematoria have been fired up. Fans and Players having heart attacks in stands and on field of play. Mainstream media, all associated football mouthpieces and football authorities ignore... Continue Reading →


How the BBC is a Religious Institution & How & Why Gary Lineker is a High Priest of Pap at the Temple of Mass Distraction and In-Action. The BBC is a genuine contender for the best propagandist machine known to man. Closing in on 100 years since it was founded, it is awash with government... Continue Reading →

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