Episode 42: 9 Principles of Policing – an assessment

... of policing and its functionality across the lands of Britain in 2024. In this RogueCast, I take a ramble once again along the banks of the River Trent. As stated in my preamble, how far have British policing standards slipped?, written specifically on the subject of peace-keeping and those who take on the role... Continue Reading →

How far have British policing standards slipped?

The 9 Principles of Policing were, apparently, established by Robert Peel and his associates back in 1829, with the "General Instructions" being issued to each constable. The policing principles were expanded, as below, in the 1948 book,  A Short History of the British Police by Charles Reith. 1. To prevent crime and disorder, as an... Continue Reading →

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