Episode 48: The Dog Star Rages

As we enter the Dog Days of August. Yesterday, I posted an article which covered the scripted street theatrics that are breaking out across the Isles of Britain right now and posited that the riots are socially engineered. It is as though the controllers are baking a cake of civil unrest from a WEF recipe... Continue Reading →

The Dog Star Rages

as engineered riots break out around the Isles of Britain. The Dog Days of Summer are those days when the heat is at its fiercest, the tempers their shortest and the canine rage at its highest. The intensity of life is never more keenly felt than in the month of August, the height of the... Continue Reading →

Episode 44: Tribal Matters

How tribal affiliations are a matter of resonance. Following my previous article, The Tribe, I took a ramble across the gentle hills near Cossal, West of Nottingham, to further ponder the issue. The subject matter arose from an enjoyable conversation I had with Dom and Christian of the Sheep Farm podcast, which certainly had a... Continue Reading →

The Tribe

What does it mean to find your tribe? It is an expression that is gaining traction across the West as nations rise to declare an end to rampant immigration and to defend their borders, or, indeed, their homes from fraudulent mortgage possession claims. On the ground (as opposed to the insulated unreality of the political... Continue Reading →

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