Needle Blitzkrieg Halted But War Rages On

Bogus Regulations Dropped but War Against Mankind is Far From Over. The scale of the War on Mankind is not yet recognised by the majority; in fact, how many have truly woken up yet to the fact there actually is a War being raged against them? They may sense it but do they actually know... Continue Reading →

Playing the Populace: Mass Formation Psychosis

The Divoc 91 plandemic is blatant brainwashing. Hypnotised and Brainwashed into compliance with the tyranny, the recipients of the jib-jab have slipped into a nonsensical netherworld of delusion. On New Year’s Eve, four old friends and yours truly were out tramping over and around the Roaches of the North Staffordshire Moors. At 14’C. it was... Continue Reading →

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