HOW & WHY MAGNA CARTA WAS FOUNDED ON ANCIENT BRITISH HISTORY & LAW. THE TREATY OF UNIVERSAL COMMUNITY TRUST - A GREAT CHARTER FOR OUR TIMES? It is reasonable to state that the Peoples of these islands [commonly known as the 'British Isles, including Ireland'] have a long and noble history of common law. Natural... Continue Reading →
The entire Scottish Referendum over independence was nothing more than a well-oiled beer and circus show. Had the Westminster puppets and their masters decided that the vote was to be 'Yes' then so it would have transpired. In this sense it was nothing more than a media-led distraction from the real issue of freedom. Even... Continue Reading →
Anarchonation declared as stolen lands get reclaimed, the death of Michael of Elmet, Dropping the Illusions, Sweeping out the dust and Stepping away from Statism into one's Sovereignty. On what is commonly referred to under the Gregorian calendrical system as the 29th of March in the year 2014, it was announced that Michael Of Elmet,... Continue Reading →