Episode 38 – Caution: Undercover Agents at Work

The deceptive machinations of the undercover agents are brought out into the bright light in the graveyard of their vanities as I ramble over the treacherous terrain of the last fifteen years, during which time a number of agents have attempted to infiltrate Universal Community Trust (UCT) and the reach of the Great British Mortgage... Continue Reading →

Spies in our midst.

A tale of espionage and limited hangouts and some thoughts on the divine nature of our lives. The undercover spies who take the King’s Shilling. This ruminative piece is a preamble to my latest RogueCast in which I speak in some more detail of the matters mentioned herein. When the individual perceives that the world... Continue Reading →


HOW AND WHY THE SO-CALLED MONARCHY -  THE QUEEN, ‘REGINA’, THE ‘CROWN’, ‘ROYALTY’ & ALL ASSOCIATED LEGISLATION FOR THE LAST 179 YEARS IS BOGUS. ‘Don’t gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver or gold.’ Bob Marley Close readers of these pages will be aware that RM is firmly of the... Continue Reading →

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