A bubble is vulnerable to a prick - how the deep state and its proselytisers are lost to the genocidal narrative. By the very nature of the roles they play, those in the Big-Pharma-Government falsely believe themselves to be somehow insulated from the cause and effect of their tyrannical actions. MPs expenses, their failure to... Continue Reading →
Chattering Classes Most Prone to Taking the Mag-Jab
Chattering Mag-Jabbers are in a class of their own. The use of the term chattering classes is pejorative but we are at war and it is important to be clear just who the collaborators are. the chattering classes British derogatory educated people, especially those in academic, artistic, or media circles. Let's be clear: anyone who... Continue Reading →
Apocalypse Now
The Apocalypse Reveals the Enemy and, inevitably, the Warrior Steps forward. It scarcely needs stating but an apocalypse is upon us. apocalypse ORIGIN Old English, via Old French and ecclesiastical Latin from Greek apokalupsis, from apokaluptein ‘uncover, reveal’, from apo- ‘un-’ + kaluptein ‘to cover’.” Yet, every force has its opposite; and so, the forces... Continue Reading →
The Mag-Jab and the War on Children
I have previously written about how the tyrannical, illogical and ridiculous measures imposed by the satanic-criminal Big-Pharma-Gov diktats are likely to have devastating long-term consequences for children who are subjected not only to the oppressive measures but also to take the Mag-Jab: Parental Complicity in Child Abuse Church and Schools in Collaboration of Cruelty Orphaned... Continue Reading →
Snow White Gets the Jib-Jab.
The refrain of the wicked Queen in the children's tale of Snow White is a timeless warning to young and old readers alike of the inherent dangers of the psychopath, Mirror, mirror on the wall, roll up for your jab, one and all. Wicked ones take note: narcissism and psychopathy are destined to fall. In... Continue Reading →
The Jib-Jab: A Perfect Weapon for Mass Murder
When murder is the intention and the murderer wants to hide his method and his culpability, what is the most effective way to kill his target(s)? Poisoning. When there is no post mortem examination, or there is an autopsy that is incapable of determing the chemical elements that have lead to the death, then the... Continue Reading →
A World of Nonsense
In this realm of universal frauds, it is no surprise to determine that the narratives that are relied upon by the liars are, factually, the very definition of nonsense: nonsense | ˈnänˌsens, ˈnänsəns | noun 1 spoken or written words that have no meaning or make no sense: he was talking absolute nonsense. • [as... Continue Reading →
Graphene Oxide – the Devil’s in the Detail
Further to yesterday's two articles alerting readers to the murder by injection of Graphene Oxide, there is more news emerging from the Spanish research scientists who discovered that the vials being pushed by the murderers contain 99% Graphene Oxide. The use of Graphene Oxide is evidently a multi-pronged (excuse the pun) attack on mankind. Why?... Continue Reading →
Suffer the Children: Parental Complicity in Child Abuse
After 15 months of institutional child abuse, tolerated and supported by schools and parents alike, it would appear the criminal UK Government, along with its propaganda arm at the British Broacasting Corporation, is targeting the young with the vile injection: Children are closer to God than any. What do I mean by that? Simply that... Continue Reading →
Rescinding the Birth Certificate
One of the inevitable consequences of people waking up to the various frauds and criminalities perpetrated by the governments of the world is the anger which accompanies the understanding of the facts associated with the registration of a child’s birth and the issuance of a birth certificate. Given the various frauds attached to the registration,... Continue Reading →