The World is a Fiction

The construct is necessarily a fiction. Notes Firstly, a heartfelt thank you for the kind donations and welcome to all new subscribers Debanked by the Co-op - 1k per day in UK The irony of being falsely accused of fraud by a fake 'bank' when every UK High St bank is operating fraudulently 24/7 Data... Continue Reading →

The Rise of the Taxi Wallah.

A wallah is defined as,   wal·lah | ˈwälə | noun [in combination or with modifier] Indian or informal a person concerned or involved with a specified thing or business: a rickshaw-wallah. • a native or inhabitant of a specified place: Bombay wallahs. ORIGIN from the Hindi suffix -vālā ‘doer’ (commonly interpreted in the sense... Continue Reading →

The Right to Bear Arms.

Is it necessary, given the current threat of knife attacks from criminal immigrants, that the natives of the Isles of Britain exercise our immemorial right to bear arms? After all, have we not been deliberately disarmed and stopped from being able to effectively defend ourselves from any scumbag who pulls a knife out on us?... Continue Reading →

Welby ‘Avin’ You – Bashing the Bishop

Welby gone Justin Time as Church of England Slides into the Mire. The notion that the Church of England cares for the spiritual well-being of the peoples is as ridiculous as claiming that Jimmy Savile was a great childminder. This fake fish-hatted actor first came to my attention in the midst of the Convid91 Genocidal... Continue Reading →

64 – Narcissism: the Lights are on but no-one’s home.

Narcissism goes hand-in-hand with the demiurge. The last almost 5 years has served to reveal many aspects of this realm in which we find ourselves. One particularly pertinent revelation has shown us just how prevalent narcissism is amongst the populace, at every level, but especially in the realms of public authority - finance, governance, psychology,... Continue Reading →

Episode 63: Your Mortgage Contract

Contract is agreement. You want me to perform? Fine, first show me the conract, show me exactly when and where I agreed to any of it. This week’s discourse is on the subject of contracts. The first thing to note is that, no matter who or where you are, each and everyone of us is... Continue Reading →

Money – the most pernicious religion.

The persistent belief in Money marks it as the one religion that holds the world in its sway. Many a religion uses private enforcers to manage and protect its interests and the High Priests of 'Banking' are no exception. How the ‘Police’ are the de facto enforcers of the Licenced Credit Agencies Masquerading as ‘Banks’... Continue Reading →

Episode 59: Hell’s Angels!

I had the pleasure of an encounter with a 5th Degree Freemason last Saturday. It pointed me in the direction of some interesting information. For instance, do you know that Hell’s Angels are Freemasonic Fraternities? Of all the purported angels, it is Lucifer or the demiurge that is the entity to whom Freemasons, of all... Continue Reading →

The Truth Against the World

A Maxim is an eternal truth. The above aphorism was originally expressed by our ancestors in the ancient Brythonic language,       ‘Y Gwir Yn Erbyn Y Byd’ In this realm where the demiurge dominates the every thought and action of 99.999999% of the poulace, the 'rogue', the indvidual who goes his own way,... Continue Reading →

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